Sunday, 20 March 2016

On That Bleeding Note

Call me dramatic but whenever I’m sick, I make my mental list of things I need to do before I die. I don’t have a will yet (not that I have anything precious), but someone should be in charge of meagre possessions—my books, my car and cycle, and my gadgetswhen I’m off. Not to forget stashes of clothes that I keep buying. So when my nose started bleeding today because of some mysterious reason, it was time to churn those rational wheels and ask, "Have I done everything I wanted to?"

Let’s see, I have travelled to two countries by far, but London is still pending. I have written stories, lots of them, but that book I always wanted to write, that's unpenned. Learning another language, opening a book café, taking dance lessons, making a sandcastle, going on a solo trip… there’s just so much I haven’t done yet.  

But the slate is not all blank: Bathing an elephant, game viewing in South Africa, skiing in the Swiss Alps, meeting and interviewing Irving Finkel, and listening to the stories of strangers in foreign lands. That has to be something, I reckon.

And regrets?

Nothing that I can’t live with. Oh sure, I could have done things differently a couple of times (or more), but there’s nothing I am deeply remorseful about other than breaking my brother’s tooth as a child, but what a kick that was!.  

And then I get better—the nosebleed stops—and it’s back to the business of living life instead of planning the sweet hereafter.  

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