Thursday 28 July 2011

Dreaming, Again!

Since I started sleeping late, I have started dreaming. Bizarre, to the sense of the word, is how I can describe these dreams. Finding myself in the weirdest of situations doing completely moronic things, it’s a nice change from the former dreamless nights. The best part about dreaming is that you don’t remember it the next day (or the same afternoon, which is the case here) but I still sense it – the out of the ordinary circumstances, doing eccentric things in each of the dreams and still differently – not one dream matches the other in any way with just one exception – I’m moving, running, going somewhere. There is no knowing if I do get there; just one thing I can say for certain: it is definitely reflecting what’s on my mind. ;-)

Friday 22 July 2011

Just A Dream?

I’m somewhere and I can’t get back home. The feeling has been haunting me in my dreams. Like something is really wrong with the situation I’m in and there is no way go turn around and run. Funny part is once reality closes in, it’s all happy and glowing and shining. It is just those flashes I get all day long of the dream that suggest otherwise. It says I’m trapped. Well, you don’t remember your dreams, or nightmares for the matter, after you wake up but I guess the almonds are doing the trick. If I try really hard, I get just a gist of what’s happening to me in my dreams. Like last night, I couldn’t flag a cab; the metro station was right where I was standing but for some reason I was still, unmoving, frozen. And before that, I was someplace away from home and I could sense danger. So, if I’m deducing these dreams right, I have impending doom around the corner, waiting to sneak up to me and blow me apart. Or, I’m just really creative.